here's some more great stuff i've spotted here and there of late: -wanna do it yourself, make something out of nothing, and look au courrant to the utmost? check out this miu-miu-esque shoe re-do by morgan (of DC street fashion blog, pandahead, fame) featuring some fresh ruffles (on brightest young things), or this hooded tunic dress/sweatshirt redux by of-the-moment designers mike & chris, in the LA times.
-of all the european cities, amsterdam is the one that's most familiar to me. i've been there three times, and i'm probably going back for a forth visit this coming april. would live there if i could! i just found out this morning that there's an amsterdam street fashion blog, dam style, and it is good.
-fashion is spinach posted this exceedingly lovely and riotously colorful batch of photos from vogue girl (out of s. korea), and i am in adoration. so much better and more creative than the yawn-inducing blahness of any similar vogue from the west. someone was thinking outside of the box for sure. if i could, i hang those on my wall. *wishes she had a nice color printer in her possession*
-i love blogs that are very personal and design driven. ones wherein the author or creator is a creator of things and has a singular, idiosyncratic vision. examples of such would be: the brash bold graphic goodness that is the work of graphic designer nubby twiglet (whom i also interviewed earlier this year for the remix(ers)_revealed series) and the girly, often fashiony little drawer-ings of kate, the illustrator behind little doodles.