wardrobe_remix(ers) o' the week

wow, thursday again?stay stunning, you stylish sweethearts. *kiss kiss!*


this here is the ORIGINAL and OFFICIAL weekly wardrobe_remix recap of the latest and the greatest from the wardrobe_remix community, from yours truly, the creator of wardrobe_remix!
any wardrobe_remix photos that find themselves here showcase great style + great photography = the two meet and merrily marry to make a perfect expression of YOU and your singular personal style! and i've said it a million times before, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it...the ticket is the confidence and sureness you exude when you express yourself the way that makes YOU feel most comfortable. that confidence shines through and is captured on film. so whether you're wearing couture clothes from the finest designers, mass market threads, thrifted stuff, or even a shirt you found on the side of the road...rock it! it's ALL GOOD and it's ALL WELCOME in wardrobe_remix!


evanyevany: today's "capsule, dinner, party, band" outfit
kennedyholmes: annie hall pants
Liz Marie: Alice in Wonderland Meets Heather's
Adore_Vintage: 5.28.08 Jeans for Hump Day
TheSundayBest: Looking at the camera...not sure how I feel about it.
sunshine loves you: 28may08
everybodyisugly: P1010009
kasia wska: the poncho:-)


thanks to everyone who's been posting about wardrobe_remix or featuring fashions and folks from the group in their own blogs or websites. thanks for getting the word out. i am glad that wardrobe_remix inspires you! remember to give credit to the people in the aforementioned photos (if you use them in your blog posts, etc.) and to wardrobe_remix itself. it's good internet/blogging karma! (plus it actually goes with flickr's terms of service and a little thing called copyright!)


remember: you can click on the photo of any of these terrific wardrobe_remix(ers) to learn more about their photo or outfit, explore their flickr photostream, and beyond. all of the photos are owned by the awesome people who are depicted in them, of course!
join us over at wardrobe_remix and show off your awesome EVERYDAY trendbusting and trend-SETTING personal style!
spread the word!
and see you there!

(not so) random links

-apparently, it used to be so, so easy to hawk those luxury fashion goods, when the economy was riding high. times seemed to be good, money flowed so freely, and it seemed like everyone (and their financial status) felt pretty darn invincible. the rich were ever richer, and the less rich were willing to shell out the dough for the latest "it-bag" or the like in an attempt to aspire to the life or lifestyle of the aforementioned rich folk. it felt like it could never end...but it did. but the looming recession has started to pinch the wallets of multiple classes, and by extension, it's pinching the profits of manufacturers and retailers. consumer spending is down in general. (via the baltimore sun) some are asking, how will luxury brands, and we, the consumer, survive this downturn in the economy? (via slate) what will sell? what will we actually buy? the fashion industry is 'cautiously optimistic'. let's be honest: they almost have to tow that line, as of course, they don't want to project too much doom and gloom, lest they want to see the confidence of consumers falter even more...which would of course affect their profits...
in thinking about all this faltering economy stuff, i find myself seeing both a good and bad side to this potentially bad fiscal trend.
on the pro side: will constricted budgets force consumers at large to think more critically about the things they DO choose to buy? could it convince them of the value of recycling via thrifting and sustainably-made clothing and other related goods? is it possible that people will increasingly buy in a less trend-driven or frivolous manner, instead choosing to indulge in a little bit of delayed gratification, only purchasing that which seems to have a more classic bent, or a longer life-span in one's closet? will more folks turn to doing-it-themselves...and actually, will this DIY trend continue to be haute, or even more popular than it already seems to be?
on the con side: when the economy is weak, manufacturers and retailers may be less likely to take risks, less likely to take a chance on more innovative designers, lines, or their products. small businesses who aim to make original wearables may have a hard time staying afloat or finding capital to start or continue...all of which may make for less ease in finding and purchasing more experimental or innovative fashion, should a person or persons be interested in such styles.
can you see any other fashion-related pros or cons to a weakened economy, particularly if said weakening is sustained over a period of time?


-fops and dandies (one of my fave fashion-related blogs, btw) made a little post a few days ago about how she makes living and looking stylish work whilst living in notoriously expensive new york city. in that missive, she referenced an article in the new york times about how other young and just-starting-out ny-ers do the same. i read both her post and the article with great interest, because boy oh boy, can i relate, having lived in NYC, and now SF (both VERY expensive locales with near insane costs-of-living). the husband and i have had to make a lot of "sacrifices" to live in both places as well, in order to afford other things and live the lifestyle we desire. yes, we have to forgo luxuries others might take for granted and it's not all perfect, but we make it work.
what about you? if you're an urban dweller living in an expensive city, how do you 'make do'? what 'cons' about living in a city or dealing with great expenses do you stomach in lieu of being able to enjoy the 'pros'? how do you ensure that you are able to afford certain luxuries ('luxuries' to be defined by you, of course)? do you pinch the pennies harder in one or many areas so you can spend with relative abandon in others? what are the ways in which you do this? how does this creative budgeting and creative living affect what you do end up adding to your wardrobe or how you dress/express yourself?


-and sort of related to the last two: what about the notion of giving up all that stuff, all those clothes and whatevers, in order to pursue a life of voluntary simplicity? (via the new york times) sometimes, some say, all that stuff you own can really end up owning you. do you really NEED it all? do you really NEED a closet bursting with clothing, if you really only need or even wear a fraction of it? HONESTLY, do you feel more is more, or do you feel that is less more? can being free of THINGS make one actually feel more 'free'?
i love pretty things, i have to admit. i probably own too many things...but do try to sort through said things and aim to consciously stem my acquisitions, both with increasing regularity. but i am not perfect. to give it all up might prove a challenge for me, personally.
but...could YOU do it? could you give all your things up and live the simple life? do you ever get the urge to do so? do you know anyone who has? can you shed some light on how they make it work and they manage to maintain that almost ascetic level of simplicity in their life? what keeps them motivated?


and just a few of the quick and dirty today...
-forget that they are being worn by celebs (really, who cares??)...check out this round-up of great leggings sewing patterns that was recently posted on the threadbanger blog.
-ranna of only shallow posted a link to a gallery of photos her fellow stylish finns as snapped at an event put on by finnish retailer stockmann that apparently featured/celebrated the work of some of finland's finest young fashion talent. i love the statement and sentiment of the sign the folks are all holding: 'this is me, who are you?'


said statement kind of succinctly reminds me of the ethos and motivation of/behind why i started/why people post to wardrobe_remix, in a way, i must say! :)
p.s. i wish i could read finnish!
-altered couture magazine, a periodical all about altered and embellished wearables looks like it's worth a look. thanks to outsapop for the heads-up!

wardrobe_remix(ers) o' the week

SO MUCH goodness this week, i figured i'd include a few extra for you!ch-ch-check 'em out!


this here is the ORIGINAL and OFFICIAL weekly wardrobe_remix recap of the latest and the greatest from the wardrobe_remix community, from yours truly, the creator of wardrobe_remix!
any wardrobe_remix photos that find themselves here showcase great style + great photography = the two meet and merrily marry to make a perfect expression of YOU and your singular personal style! and i've said it a million times before, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it...the ticket is the confidence and sureness you exude when you express yourself the way that makes YOU feel most comfortable. that confidence shines through and is captured on film. so whether you're wearing couture clothes from the finest designers, mass market threads, thrifted stuff, or even a shirt you found on the side of the road...rock it! it's ALL GOOD and it's ALL WELCOME in wardrobe_remix!


keikolynnsogreat: weak ankles
muija: 210508
Ms. Havishambles: 5-20-08
stellardolly: denim skirt!
Gold Stars For Tulip: Wardrobe Remix 08-05-21
softspoken: may 20, 2008
whiteapple: bike tricks
La Meow: wardrobe remix
Sea Lorraine: Magnolia!


thanks to everyone who's been posting about wardrobe_remix or featuring fashions and folks from the group in their own blogs or websites. thanks for getting the word out. i am glad that wardrobe_remix inspires you! remember to give credit to the people in the aforementioned photos (if you use them in your blog posts, etc.) and to wardrobe_remix itself. it's good internet/blogging karma! (plus it actually goes with flickr's terms of service and a little thing called copyright!)


remember: you can click on the photo of any of these terrific wardrobe_remix(ers) to learn more about their photo or outfit, explore their flickr photostream, and beyond. all of the photos are owned by the awesome people who are depicted in them, of course!
join us over at wardrobe_remix and show off your awesome EVERYDAY trendbusting and trend-SETTING personal style!
spread the word!
and see you there!