wardrobe_remix(ers) o' the week

the 'good stuff' keeps coming.what's the good stuff? you, looking stunning! and your great photography. keep on hitting us with your best shots, beauties!


this here is the ORIGINAL and OFFICIAL weekly wardrobe_remix recap of the latest and the greatest from the wardrobe_remix community, from yours truly, the creator of wardrobe_remix!
any wardrobe_remix photos that find themselves here showcase great style + great photography = the two meet and merrily marry to make a perfect expression of YOU and your singular personal style! and i've said it a million times before, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it...the ticket is the confidence and sureness you exude when you express yourself the way that makes YOU feel most comfortable. that confidence shines through and is captured on film. so whether you're wearing couture clothes from the finest designers, mass market threads, thrifted stuff, or even a shirt you found on the side of the road...rock it! it's ALL GOOD and it's ALL WELCOME in wardrobe_remix!


Firefly-Path Photography: ONZE. JUIN. DEUX MILLE HUIT.
La Meow:
ms.ellemvee: Wardrobe Remix 6/10/08
sailoralison: #72
the.vigilante: green dress - jun7
Jaana-Mari: wr08062008
.YOKOO: Full Street shot
marquise: 6-7


thanks to everyone who's been posting about wardrobe_remix or featuring fashions and folks from the group in their own blogs or websites. thanks for getting the word out. i am glad that wardrobe_remix inspires you! remember to give credit to the people in the aforementioned photos (if you use them in your blog posts, etc.) and to wardrobe_remix itself. it's good internet/blogging karma! (plus it actually goes with flickr's terms of service and a little thing called copyright!)


remember: you can click on the photo of any of these terrific wardrobe_remix(ers) to learn more about their photo or outfit, explore their flickr photostream, and beyond. all of the photos are owned by the awesome people who are depicted in them, of course!
join us over at wardrobe_remix and show off your awesome EVERYDAY trendbusting and trend-SETTING personal style!
spread the word!
and see you there!

(not so) random links

-the fashion industry and upscale designers whine and bitch and threaten suit when they are copied...and yet, they are so very often also guilty of copying other people's work themselves. sometimes rather blatantly. on that note, how the HELL is belgian designer martin margiela getting away with pretty much ripping off an iconic t-shirt silkscreen image almost exactly, and then charging $1395 for his version of said t-shirt? (via the la times) anyone else think that's pretty ridiculous, not to mention audacious? am i missing something? also...who is buying this t-shirt? aren't there better things to do with nearly $1400 in this day and age? just sayin'...


-those wardrobe_remix(ers)...they are such smarty-pants(es). they make a wardrobe_remix founder/mama hen so proud. *sheds tears* check out these deep questions they have been discussing over in the wardrobe_remix discussion forum of late: what makes your style distinct? and how would you start over? [if you somehow devastatingly lost your whole wardrobe?]
spill your thoughts on those deep questions here!
or, if you're so inclined, or join wardrobe_remix (if you haven't already!) and add your own thoughts to the aforementioned discussions, natch!


-as you might surmise, if you're a particularly astute reader, i'm not so much into discussing (or even wearing many of) the latest seasonal trends or regurgitating and picking apart the latest offerings in the way of mainstream designer wear or posting runway photos. i feel like that's usually best left to those who enjoy talking and digesting that sort of thing. instead, i find that i have more of a penchant for smart, high-level, conceptual discussion of all things fashion: fashion theory, fashion history, the business of fashion, how fashion and culture interact and influence one another, how real style really happens, and of course, how real (read: non-industry, non-famous) people dress and why they dress that way.
taking all that into account, either previously or now, you might guess that i am generally more interested in reading intelligent fashion blogs that concentrate on said subjects, and whose authors share at least some of my interests and ethos. sometimes i stumble across these smart blogs...and sometimes they find me. the latter is the case with threadbared, a fashion blog from the minds of "two clotheshorse academics who write and teach the politics of fashion and beauty"...one of their authors (mimi!) emailed me this morning to bring their blog, which focuses on said topics, to my attention. and hoo boy, i'm so happy she did. nevermore was a blog totally up my alley. thanks, threadbared!
prey tell: what are YOUR favorite *intelligent*, offbeat, and/or academic(!) fashion blogs? care to share? please, please, please?


thee quicke and dirtee:
-ever seen knitting maverick elizabeth zimmermann's february baby sweater? ever wished it came in big girl sizes? like, to fit a 'grown-ass woman'? well, wish no more: flint knits has designed an homage to said sweater, the february lady sweater! and it looks flipping amazing. the pattern is FREE. woo! if i can find the time sometime this lifetime, i want to knit one for me (and maybe a matching one for le bebe royal?).
-the summer 2008 issue of knitty is live. get knittin', kittens.
-i bought the latest issue of readymade just because i was obsessed the god's eyes on the cover! relatedly, design*sponge recently posted a tute on how to make them, here! you can't wear god's eyes...can you? :) maybe a teeny weenie one with thread and silver or gold "sticks" would make a cool necklace? yeah!! anyway, if nothing else, god's eyes are def. a lovely way to use up all the yarn you have left over from those other knitting and crochet projects...hmm!
-free people is running a bag design contest. check out the details on the contest rules and such-like here.
-swan diamond rose made a post this week that reminded me to mention zigzaggers...a cool blog i read about somewhere on the internets a while back. it's mission is to serve as a resource for those who own and buy used/old/vintage sewing machines. it's full of reviews and opinions on a myriad of machines. similarly, whether you're buying a used or new machine, it can't hurt to also check out the sewing machine reviews on patternreview.com.
-fan of knitty gritty on DIY, hosted by vickie howell? allegedly, there's some talk of canceling the show (can anyone confirm this?). not sure how much this will help, but apparently there's a petition to protest said cancelation and advocate for a better time slot for the show, here. probably wouldn't hurt to write a personal letter to the network, either, imo, if you really care.

wardrobe_remix(ers) o' the week

make it hard, why don't you? :)i swear, wardrobe_remix just gets better and better...and it's really because of YOU. keep it up, darlings.


this here is the ORIGINAL and OFFICIAL weekly wardrobe_remix recap of the latest and the greatest from the wardrobe_remix community, from yours truly, the creator of wardrobe_remix!
any wardrobe_remix photos that find themselves here showcase great style + great photography = the two meet and merrily marry to make a perfect expression of YOU and your singular personal style! and i've said it a million times before, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it...the ticket is the confidence and sureness you exude when you express yourself the way that makes YOU feel most comfortable. that confidence shines through and is captured on film. so whether you're wearing couture clothes from the finest designers, mass market threads, thrifted stuff, or even a shirt you found on the side of the road...rock it! it's ALL GOOD and it's ALL WELCOME in wardrobe_remix!


softspoken: june 4, 2008
distorted time:
tokyobanhbao: "Messy" outfit
passingtime: Wardrobe Remix #2
sailoralison: #65
Old Bonus Stone: ...


thanks to everyone who's been posting about wardrobe_remix or featuring fashions and folks from the group in their own blogs or websites. thanks for getting the word out. i am glad that wardrobe_remix inspires you! remember to give credit to the people in the aforementioned photos (if you use them in your blog posts, etc.) and to wardrobe_remix itself. it's good internet/blogging karma! (plus it actually goes with flickr's terms of service and a little thing called copyright!)


remember: you can click on the photo of any of these terrific wardrobe_remix(ers) to learn more about their photo or outfit, explore their flickr photostream, and beyond. all of the photos are owned by the awesome people who are depicted in them, of course!
join us over at wardrobe_remix and show off your awesome EVERYDAY trendbusting and trend-SETTING personal style!
spread the word!
and see you there!