searching etsy/ebay: aztec

sometimes, when i have a few minutes of peace and time to waste on the computer (something in short supply these days!), i like to plug relevant and interesting search terms into etsy (or sometimes ebay) and see what [potentially] cool stuff comes up.
see below: some very cool finds on etsy that were delivered to me after putting "aztec" in the search field, and pulling down the "vintage" category at the same time. enjoy!

aztec jacket.jpg

aztec purse.jpg

aztec sundress 2.jpg

aztec earrings.jpg

aztec skirt.jpg

etsy love: softspoken




i know of miss softspoken from wardrobe_remix...she's been a contributor there for many years now. she's got a savvy eye for stellar vintage pieces (see that superb old multicolored liz claiborne bag she's selling, shown above)...but where she soars, i say, is with her lovely hand-crocheted hats and other accessories. lookit those bobbles! delicious.
summer is my least favorite time of year, it's too hot and steamy and sweaty (in NYC at least)...and all during this stickiest of seasons i daydream about the cooler days to come and all the sartorial possibilities inherent to thus. softspoken's hats are the just the kind of thing, the perfect textural, colorful winter pieces, that i see in said (day)dreams. too too good.