remix(ers)_revealed: Nubby Twiglet

wardrobe_remix 10.17

wardrobe_remix 8/25

wardrobe_remix april25

(see more of nubby's modern and gorgeously graphic style in her 'wardrobe remix' flickr photoset.)


name: Nubby flickr handle: Nubby Twiglet age: 25 location: Portland, OR website: other important basic details about yourself that you'd like to reveal, if any: I'm short, a Virgo, extremely driven, and my favorite thing to eat is Pad Thai.
what do you do for a living? or, if you are a student, what are you studying?
I'm back in school for graphic design (I previously earned a degree in Business/ Marketing) and I do freelance design as well as art shows around the world.
what are your passions/obsessions/hobbies/aspirations?
My passion is anything design related; I'm a bit of a typography freak. I also love fashion magazines like V and Elle. Making art in some form every day keeps me grounded.
what inspires you?
Vintage signs, hearts, unearthing treasures at thrift stores, the symbolism of the red cross, people watching, New York City, modern design, and a good magazine full of fashion and design images.
how do you define "style"?
Style is about feeling good in your own skin and dressing accordingly. Style is something that can't be bought or sold and it is sometimes impossible to define. It constantly evolves, morphs, ebbs, and flows.
how would you describe your personal style?
If I had to sum up my style, I would say it is equal parts whimsical and modern. I tend to wear a combination red and green clothing even in the dead of Summer. Schoolgirl-style dresses and jumpers, nurse uniforms, pointy toed shoes, a ton of stripes, and designer purses are some of my other staples.
how does your background (personal history, passions, culture, nationality, etc.) come through in the clothes you like and wear, if at all?
My childhood took place in Portland in the 80s and I was surrounded by my dad and uncles in Levi's 501 jeans, white tennis shoes, bad tattoos, loud motorcycles, and cheap beer. My mom was a classic beauty who wore silk dresses and spike heels from Nordstrom and dressed me in a lot of red, which must've influenced my style in some way. She also went to Jazzercise and worked out to Michael Jackson. I tend to resemble my parents in many ways, but stylistically, they've been much more traditional with their clothing. I'm more artistic and not as afraid to take chances, which has definitely embarrassed them many times over the years. ; )
choose one item in your closet that you feel completely expresses your personal style and/or aesthetic. describe it. what is it and why is it "you"?
One of my favorite items are my white John Fluevog boots- they're flat enough that I can walk miles in them, the leather is thick and durable, and they have a mod, space-age quality when paired with 60s dresses. I wear them with nearly everything.
do you collect anything? if so, what?
I collect vintage metal letters, uniforms, vintage mugs and dishes, design books, and records.
what are some of your favorite places to shop when you want to add to your wardrobe? online? locally? anywhere in the world? why are these places favorites of yours?
Ebay is always a favorite. Forever21 is always affordable, the fashion is up to date, and the clothing comes in my size. Thrift stores in Portland have an abundance of inexpensive, cool vintage clothing.
does your location (where you live) affect your style? if so, in what ways? describe what your city is like in regard to fashion.
In Portland, the weather is pretty mild year round. It doesn't get super cold or hot for very long. It's true that it rains here a lot, but it's often more of a drizzle. People here mostly don't even bother carrying an umbrella. Style here is REALLY relaxed, and ANYTHING goes! Rent is comparatively cheap for the West Coast, so people have more time and money to spend on clothes. I love the weather here- it's perfect for light layering.
what do you think is next in terms of fashion? perhaps something that is currently flying under the radar, but could be really cool an popular later, or perhaps something amazing you'd like to see more of that needs to come back or be the new thing?
I'm sad that skinny jeans are starting to fade away, but I'm excited that mod 60s styles are hanging on. I would like to see more A-line jumpers and dresses paired with thick tights or leggings and lace-up spectator-style heels!
you are super creative with your clothes! share a creative tip or idea about a way people can remix/style their clothing in a fun or innovative way.
I think that accessories are key; add a necklace, some earrings, colorful shoes and you can dress anything up. Clothing in basic shapes and fabrics never go out of style. Also, I tend to buy one nicely made designer purse- it's always good to invest in quality for something you use every day and cheat on the rest.
style icons: do you have any?
My main style icon is Michael Jackson- I like a flash of red clothing, skinny silhouettes, and blazers. I also admire Bjork for her love of avant garde designers. Another favorite is Steve Perry in his early Journey days, with a coat and tails, Levi's and Nike sneakers. Others include Andy Warhol, Nick Rhodes, Bianca Jagger, 60s model Twiggy, and Mickey Mouse.
how did you come across wardrobe_remix? why do you post there? What do you like about it? has anything positive come about for you as a result of posting to the community?
I don't recall exactly but I think I found out about the community through a link on a friend's photos. I think of clothing as art and I'm always curious as to how people put things together- you could give a room full of remix(ers) a clothing rack of 10 items and each would put an outfit together in a distinctly different way! I've discovered so many fascinating people and I would love to have a meet-up someday!
other favorite wardrobe_remix(ers)? who, and why?
My two favorite wardrobe_remix(ers) are lebonbonmulticolore and verhext because they consistently mix vintage finds into their wardrobes so effortlessly.
anything else you'd like to say?
"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel....The Sprawl was a long strange way home over the Pacific now, and he was no console man, no cyberspace cowboy."
-William Gibson, Neuromancer, 1984


thanks nubby!


if you have any intelligent questions you'd like to hear wardrobe_remix(ers) expound upon or wardrobe_remix(ers) who you'd like to see revealed, feel free to send those suggestions my way! thanks!