naik fur: artful, sensual stitches

being that i am a knitwear designer and huge knitwear fan, i'm always on the look-out for knitwear designers who strive to break the usual knitwear mold through careful, thoughtful design.
one such mold-breaker is northern california artist and designer amy hemmens, aka naik fur, whose slinky, sculptural crocheted and knitted accessories and clothing stand well out from the usual suspects in the knitwear crowd.
sinuous spirals, oversized knit stitches, and complex crocheted patterning joins forces with sensuous fibers, making for sensitive yet wearable pieces.



(images via smashing darling)

it takes a special, creative mind to craft knitwear that has sophisticated style and a healthy dash of sex appeal...amy of naik fur has said mind and skill in spades, and as a result, her work succeeds and supersedes much of the (knitted and crocheted) competition.


need more naik fur? go here:
-naik fur -naik fur's blog -naik fur @ smashing darling