(not so) random links

-there's a whole lot of theving going on these days. such shenanigans are like, no new news in the fashion world, no? i've written about such things multiple times, right here. what gives? it's a touchy subject...but one that comes up constantly. it seems especially sad when one small/independent business or designer does the dirty deed to another small/independent business or designer.
mallory of indie shopping blog miss malaprop wrote to me this weekend letting me know that new orleans-based designer/retailer trashy diva has allegedly had some of their signature designs ripped off by another designer/retailer (as well as a wholesale client of theirs), unique vintage. surprisingly, unique vintage apparently unapologetically admits to this blatant theft...
anyway, if you're so inclined, you can read more about this particular incident @ the following links: styledash or miss malaprop. also, jennine of the coveted makes some good points concerning the matter as well...


-how do you care for your clothes (and accessories)?
do you obsessively organize your garments in the closet by color and type? do you keep everything you own pressed, neat, and folded just so? (via the wall street journal)
or, conversely, do you just throw your things around in your abode or room in what looks like a heap, but in some state of "organization" that makes sense to you?
i gotta say, i'm staunchly in the first camp, almost bordering on obsessive-complusive when it comes to my clothes. hah!
everything in my closet(s) is organized by type and by color, even the shoes and jewelry! when my husband doesn't fold something "properly", i can't help but re-fold it. i iron EVERYTHING, even jeans and tees. where does this crazy organized tendency come from? well, i did my time in department store retail sales in my late teens/early 20s. additionally, my dad taught me to iron properly when i was about middle school/preteen age (his mom taught him when he was of a similar age...he's always been smartly dressed, classic, and has always favored nice quality things and caring for them accordingly). old habits die hard!
in thinking about this, i wonder: does one's obsessiveness (or lack thereof) about organizing your clothing/accountrements carry over to the way a person dresses yourself as well?
do you have "rules" for dressing yourself, a certain paradigm/framework you work with and within concerning your wardrobe, or do you go crazy and throw clothing caution to the wind, trying whatever feels right at the moment, using whatever you can find off your floor? seems (to me) like two different (equally valid) means of achieving the same end...dressing and expressing oneself...


-vickie howell (of austin craft mafia and DIY's knitty gritty fame) is writing a new book called craft corps, and she wants YOU to contribute to said book. in vickie's own words, the to-be published tome is about:

"the community perpetuated by craft and the designers & hobbyists who feed it. as part of the content, i’m hoping to include 50-60 short profiles of crafters of all types. if you knit, crochet, embroider, decoupage, paint, sew, bead, tat, work with ceramics, collage, etc.---I want to hear from you! Whether you’ve found success selling your handmade sock monkeys on Etsy or you crochet chemo caps for charity, I want to know who you are, what you craft and why you do it. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE PROFESSIONAL CRAFTERS (in fact, it's preferable as the book's other content will focus on that)!"

read more about vickie's forthcoming book, craft corps, and how you can participate in the making of the book on vickie's blog. (via craft:)
-here be a cute little knitted backpack from lion brand yarns. so nice to finally see them making some cute, up-to-date, wearable patterns! keep it up... (now, if only they'd get rid of that godforsaken homespun and other acrylic beastliness.... :P)
-this jackson pollack-inspired bangle bracelet red-do (using nail polish!!) by fops and dandies is rather genius. (i must admit, i'm both a huge fan of (oversized) gold gaudiness and paint splatters, so admittedly i'm rather biased.)