a space to be creative

after what seems like ages (really, it's only been about a year!), i finally have a creative space to call my very own.

studio attic space

our new place in greenwich is three glorious but efficient stories, and the third floor, which sits above the master bedroom, is my sewing/art studio. or, atelier. or workspace. or office. whatever it wants to be called or should be called...it's all mine. it ain't perfect, but it's falling into place nicely. kinks shall be worked out over time, me hopes.
the room has INCREDIBLE natural light, due to two giant skylights. during the day it's just a complete dream to dawdle around in there. at night, not so much. we're going to hire an electrician to come and wire the room for an overhead light so i can work at night, after p.'s shuffled off to dreamland. i also hope to get a couch or cushy chair up there for lounging, eventually. there's a tv on top of the card catalog that's connected to the downstairs TIVO...when i feel like doing handwork or whatnot i can perhaps retire there. pete could also sit there computing in the evenings and keep me company. here's hoping that seating comes into our lives sooner rather than later. i'm chomping at the bit to really spend quality time there.
admittedly, i do manage to get up there at least once a day, even if it is accompanied by my little friend. she likes to dig through the lower drawers of the card catalog, seen at left, emptying each, and scattering the contents across the carpet with glee. she also uses the yellow trashcan as a drum with the spirit moves her, and colors on a special pad i put up there for her personal use. she literally begs to go up there, hanging off the lower gate like a monkey; it has fast become a daily routine. while she goes nuts exploring and mess-making, i ponder what i want and need to get making, sort through fabric or patterns, or press needy bits of fabric and/or pieces freshly washed clothing. i even managed to do a tiny bit of sewing in her presence this week, while she quietly played. so nice.
i'm hoping that sometime soon, maybe in the next few years, i can set her up with some crafts or toys in a corner up there and get down to some honest to goodness sewing. maybe it's a laughable thought, but hey, a mom can dream, right?