(not so) random links

-mai of the SF street fashion blog fashion.ist mentioned a fashiony exhibit going on at san francisco's asian art museum that looks intriguing, entitled stylized sculpture: contemporary japanese fashion from the kyoto costume institute. it's on through january 6th of next year, and features the works of nippon's most innovative and acclaimed designers, including rei kawakubo of comme de garcons, issey miyake, and yohji yamamoto. when i get a free moment, i want to dash over and take a look at what i am sure is amazingness. if you're in the city by the bay, why don't you do the same? thanks for mentioning it, mai!


-smagglestyle (whom i found b/c she recently commented here on bits and bobbins telling me she wrote a post about wardrobe_remix...hello! and thank you!) has a small, sassy list of quality quotes in this recent post of hers. read them all! i like this one especially, from THE coco chanel, as i think it relates rather well to my recent post, be yourself:

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.


-this was clearly one sexy, swingin' par-TAY (posted on square america, from the same individual who's behind the boat lullabies). keep your eyes peeled for the "hand pants". *ahem!*


i am unabashedly and now admittedly in much love with the livejournal community, vintage_ads. thought-provoking, graphically interesting, old = goodness. check out this one, this one, and this one.

(not so) random links

-i have long been a fan of the novel and the new when it comes to fashion. meaning: if it hasn't been seen before, is a clever twist on what exists, or feels innovative, i love looking at it (even if i don't actually wear it). show me something i haven't seen, you know? in the words of mike skinner, let's push things forward...! so on that note...chances are, you've heard of style bubble. in case you haven't (hello, have you been living under a rock??), i'm letting you know now, susie's the go-to girl for the deliciously cool, the envelope-pushing, the novel...when it comes to fashion. and she seeks it all out, test drives and mixes it up on herself, and writes about it all in a personal, personable way that transcends the usual fashion blogging fare (as you might guess, i am ALL ABOUT that which transcends the usual fashion blogging fare!). i openly applaud her for being herself in a sea of sameness.


-via craft, a link to teen vogue's fashion DIY archives (an online repository of the DIY features in their monthly mag), on the teen vogue website.


my favorites? the mulberry carry-all bag DIY, and the henry holland tee DIY (b/c i've always had a little bit of a thing for the tacky). the latter would be an interesting embellishment on a simple frock, if used singularly...like, one giant letter spelt out in rhinestones, methinks.


-a recent article from the telegraph entitled 'people must stop buying and buying' features vivienne westwood's opinions on the current over-consumptive, outrageously fast-trendmill-of-fashion-world we now live in, and it REALLY hit home with me. i love a woman with strong opinions...and really, i couldn't agree more, viv. trends aren't the be-all, end-all. some quotes from the aforementioned:

"Dame Vivienne Westwood thinks we should all stop shopping for clothes. "If you ask me what I think people should be getting next season," she says in that softly bossy northern accent of hers. 'I'll tell you what I'd like them to buy – nothing. I'd like people to stop buying and buying and buying.'"

"Granted, we are now greater consumers of fashion than ever, thanks to the fast turnover of trends on the high street. But, with endless style guides and television makeover programmes at our disposal, as well as accessible designer fashion, aren't we much more style savvy?"

"'There's something really awful about the way people dress now," she says, her eyes rolling skywards. "Everyone looks the same. Everyone wants to look neutral.'

Knitting her brows with genuine concern, she explains that, with so much fast fashion available to us, we are not giving ourselves the opportunity to develop good taste.

'There's this idea that somehow you've got to keep changing things, and as often as possible. Maybe if people just decided not to buy anything for a while, they'd get a chance to think about what they wanted; what they really liked.'"

(not so) random links

here's some more great stuff i've spotted here and there of late: -wanna do it yourself, make something out of nothing, and look au courrant to the utmost? check out this miu-miu-esque shoe re-do by morgan (of DC street fashion blog, pandahead, fame) featuring some fresh ruffles (on brightest young things), or this hooded tunic dress/sweatshirt redux by of-the-moment designers mike & chris, in the LA times.

-of all the european cities, amsterdam is the one that's most familiar to me. i've been there three times, and i'm probably going back for a forth visit this coming april. would live there if i could! i just found out this morning that there's an amsterdam street fashion blog, dam style, and it is good.

-fashion is spinach posted this exceedingly lovely and riotously colorful batch of photos from vogue girl (out of s. korea), and i am in adoration. so much better and more creative than the yawn-inducing blahness of any similar vogue from the west. someone was thinking outside of the box for sure. if i could, i hang those on my wall. *wishes she had a nice color printer in her possession*

-i love blogs that are very personal and design driven. ones wherein the author or creator is a creator of things and has a singular, idiosyncratic vision. examples of such would be: the brash bold graphic goodness that is the work of graphic designer nubby twiglet (whom i also interviewed earlier this year for the remix(ers)_revealed series) and the girly, often fashiony little drawer-ings of kate, the illustrator behind little doodles.