(not so) random links

-i am in super love with this paul richard quote posted on apartment therapy: los angeles:

colors are promiscuous. they get infected by their neighbors.

and it's true: colors are influenced by the other colors that they hang around with, the light in which they live, the other colors that sit by them on the color wheel. for instance, red can lean in various directions, sometimes more toward the color to their right or left, sometimes becoming a bluish-red, or a yellowy red. and so on. it's a gradient. i love color so much sometimes i wish i could eat it.


-not sure if i have any readers in LA (perhaps i do? speak up!), and it's short notice, but if you're in so-cal, and a fan of the work of lisa congdon, do check out her latest solo show, charming creatures, at firefly, in venice. the opening party is tomorrow eve from 6-10pm. go lisa! more info here, on lisa's blog.


-adding to the link in my (not so) random links list from last week about luxury not being so luxurious, and fancy bags just being hype, a backlash seems to be brewing against those ridiculous "it-bags"... eric wilson of the new york times asks: is this it for the "it bag"? (let's hope so.)


-hats are haute. told you so! still don't believe me? see old hat? not any more... from the telegraph, and this hat-positive missal from the ever so stylish styleista, the vintage society.


i been watching the gap flounder for years now via the pages of WWD...they are so, so lost, so irrelevant, so un-hip, so middle-management heavy, losing money, and digging their own grave. this observer expose on their deplorable child labor practices in india probably won't do much to help their image, and it goes without saying that it flies in the face of the pseudo-ethical (red) campaign they rolled out some time ago.

(not so) random links

halloween is almost here, people! i feel like i wear a costume every day (i'm dressed as/am impersonating myself, natch!), so i don't often feel the desire to go crazy with the costumes and halloween stuff, but YOU can! my 2007 halloween suggestions for you include:

-this senator larry craig mugshot mask (via boing boing)

-or perhaps this michael jackson fright mask (oooh!! SCARY!!) (also via boing boing)

-woof! meow! (via swissmiss, via whip up)

-or these DIY options with directions delivered via video, from threadbanger: fairy wings, a mummy, and a pirate (ARRR!)...


-ever fancied the idea of making your own street fashion website, so you can celebrate who and what is haute in your hometown? laura of tagtraeumerin runs tragfläche (leipzig, germany), and has recently made a post addressing that very subject, how to make a street fashion website. thanks, (again) laura!


"it shows how much people are inspired by real people and don't follow blindly what magazines say"-yvan rodic of facehunter, in a NYLON magazine q&a with the social/street fashion photographers hailed at the from the street to the night exhibition, at colette in paris


make your own simple yet sassilicious hair do-hickies, with the help of rakia and her fashion tips, over at fly. they feature feathers! so like a little facinator, really!


zappos knows how to give good customer service, and then some. other retailers should take note, and follow suit.


according to a new book by dana thomas called deluxe: how luxury lost it's luster, luxury isn't that luxurious anymore. that italian bag you just threw down US$1200 for? it cost $100 to manufacture in china. if you're willing to pay that much for something so cheaply made, the joke's on you. (via boing boing)

(not so) random links

the poetic, epic scale and feeling of YOKOO's photography floors me. she also makes huge scarves whose scale and texture defies normalcy, in the best of ways.


-i'm with nubby twiglet, sharing ideas and creativity with the world at large can be a good thing. as nubby suggests, forget about being copied...if something is really good, anything or anyone else that tries to match it or you will pale in comparison. as i often say to anyone who laments about this soft of thing (sometimes i'm talking to myself!), the cream rises to the top. let go/accept, move on, then produce more and different ideas. you'll be better for it.


-be confident, love yourself, and positivity will follow. in matters of fashion, yes, but also in life! not sure how to be confident? consult the inimitable gala darling, she of the astute lifestyle advice, particularly this confidence-inspiring missal (via nubby twiglet).


-german fashion/style blogger, wardrobe_remix member, and street fashion photo taker (over at http://tragflaeche-leipzig.de/) laura has turned me on to one of the most creative and original street fashion sites i've EVER seen, fak.org.ua, out of the ukraine. it's a color explosion over there, just the way i like it! and the photographs border on art. thanks laura! here's a taste:


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