polyvore play!

some time ago, i posed the question: polyvore, anyone?
since then, the site seems to have taken off...everyone and their mom seems to be using it. are you?
connect with me if you are! as might be guessed, i go by bitsandbobbins 'round those parts as well.


i haven't been playing with it as much as i'd like...but when i do sit down and poke around, i play with the site and it's offerings in an indulgent way, putting together ensembles that go with my own personal tastes and trends, rather that those that seem to be currently on offer in the fashion world at large. i guess one can expect that sort of thing from me...i'm ever the stubborn one. ha!
how are you using it, if you are? for illustrations on your blog? just playing around like moi? do tell.


i can't abandon one of my first color combo loves, the classic complimentary paring of red and green. the addition of a dash of chartruse and some blues keep things interesting and in my opinion, steer things away from the inevitable christmas color commentary.


while orange (in most of it's forms) is still my greatest love, i am starting to cultivate a new appreciation for electric blue. i think it's especially lovely when paired with gray. and really, what isn't lovely paired with gray? it's a superb and subdued foil for all those great bright, eye-bleeding colors i can't seem to be separated from.


i've always loved african fabric prints, regardless of whether they are chic at a given moment. (ethnic look, what?) it's something about the vivid colors and unapologetically bold geometric patterns that has got me hooked for life.


clickity click on any of the above collages to find sources (and shop, if so inclined).

etsy love: RedaretheRoses

jeez louise, am i dreadfully behind on my etsy love posts! gawd, i am so BAD. i should be flogged! :P
anyway, w/o any further ado...


this go 'round, it's all about RedaretheRoses!
i was tipped off to the bright and happy wonderfulness that is RedaretheRoses by fellow fashion blogista, smagglestyle (she sent me an comment about RedaretheRoses's work, telling me it looked like it was right up my alley...and boy, was she ever right!).
according to the RedaretheRoses etsy shop profile page, all this riotously colorful accessory goodness is the brainchild of a gal from dallas, texas named shawna, who says she's been a crafter since childhood.


i am convinced that this clearly talented shawna is truly a woman after my own heart as far as her color philosophy is concerned. proof positive of such is this smart quote from shawna herself:
"I love bright colors so my accessories are not for the faint of heart! I like trying out new color combinations and I truly feel that you can make any color combo work, it just needs to be done the right way."
damn right, sister! i feel like i could have written that quote myself! any color really does go with any color. BELIEVE!


the power of shawna's work is in her simple though inspired use of one primary material: plastic. in each piece, lacy and feminine retro/vintage pressed plastic shapes and flowers in each piece are layered and collaged together just so...but let's face it, it's the punchy juxtaposition of colors in each ring, necklace, or hair comb that really makes shawna's work truly genius.
so yes, considering those color combos, perhaps many of shawna's baubles aren't for the 'faint of heart'...and that's just fine!
i have to say though, after perusing her vast catalog over at her aforementioned etsy shop, the sheer diversity of shawna's shown color combos might just kindly prove that point wrong. i'd argue that there's something for everyone, no matter what shades and tints they favor...or at least anyone who wants to take a chance and at least wear a fun and funky little frippery in their hair or hand. one of these beauties might be just the ticket to energize a more subdued look. take a look, take a chance! you never know...



want more? check out RedaretheRoses
viva etsy!

threadheads: contact paper screen print

this past week's episode of threadheads featured a how-to lesson on making contact paper screen prints, from brooklyn-based printer and maker karine persan of better than jam.

i absolutely LOVE silkscreening...it's a process that has so much potential for application (to paper, fabric, and WAY WAY beyond). imagine what flair you could add to thrifted finds or plain pieces that need a little pizzaz that are already hanging in your closet. or, you could even go all the way and make your own fabrics, which you could then turn into amazing, one of a kind pieces of clothing! oh yes, yes, yes!
the method karine demonstrates is even do-able for total beginners to the silkscreening/printmaking process. check it out! and also check out the offbeat imagery karine uses in her own work...so innovative and unique (things like brain x-rays, bagpipes and other oddities).
great work as always, rob and corrine!