wardrobe_remix(ers) o' the week

i can't seem to get ahead, or be on time. or even get this out on a weekly basis anymore. but i will try, and keep trying! life is so crazy at the moment. apologies!
but anyhow, here you go!
love, tricia


this here is the ORIGINAL and OFFICIAL weekly wardrobe_remix recap of the latest and the greatest from the wardrobe_remix community, from yours truly, the creator of wardrobe_remix!
any wardrobe_remix photos that find themselves here showcase great style + great photography = the two meet and merrily marry to make a perfect expression of YOU and your singular personal style! and i've said it a million times before, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it...the ticket is the confidence and sureness you exude when you express yourself the way that makes YOU feel most comfortable. that confidence shines through and is captured on film. so whether you're wearing couture clothes from the finest designers, mass market threads, stuff you made yourself, thrifted finds, or even a shirt you stumbled across on the side of the road...rock it! it's ALL GOOD and it's ALL WELCOME in wardrobe_remix!


renr: 20090424 || sunny
scarletgeryon: PICT0004
Laura Reilly: IMG_7793
LolitaSummer: Working Sunday
Fräulein Piberger: tuesday. today was a really nice day. i went to the berlin botanic garden and to uni with my sister. it was raining, by the way.
hellojenuine: wardrobe remix
somnambulisto: Santa Carla (Santa Cruz)
TheVintageSocietyGirl: Channeling Bridget


thanks to everyone who's been posting about wardrobe_remix or featuring fashions and folks from the group in their own blogs or websites. thanks for getting the word out. i am glad that wardrobe_remix inspires you! remember to give credit to the people in the aforementioned photos (if you use them in your blog posts, etc.) and to wardrobe_remix itself. it's good internet/blogging karma! (plus it actually goes with flickr's terms of service and a little thing called copyright!)


remember: you can click on the photo of any of these terrific wardrobe_remix(ers) to learn more about their photo or outfit, explore their flickr photostream, and beyond. all of the photos are owned by the awesome people who are depicted in them, of course!
join us over at wardrobe_remix and show off your awesome EVERYDAY trendbusting and trend-SETTING personal style!
spread the word!
and see you there!

wardrobe_remix(ers) o' the week

one day late, and many dollars short. haha! but you still look great! you always do!

i handpicked some of the long-reigning stars of w_r this week...some incredible forces of style and intelligence you all know and love so well.

sorry this feature was gone for so long...ack, moving stinks. :)

love, tricia


this here is the ORIGINAL and OFFICIAL weekly wardrobe_remix recap of the latest and the greatest from the wardrobe_remix community, from yours truly, the creator of wardrobe_remix!

any wardrobe_remix photos that find themselves here showcase great style + great photography = the two meet and merrily marry to make a perfect expression of YOU and your singular personal style! and i've said it a million times before, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it...the ticket is the confidence and sureness you exude when you express yourself the way that makes YOU feel most comfortable. that confidence shines through and is captured on film. so whether you're wearing couture clothes from the finest designers, mass market threads, stuff you made yourself, thrifted finds, or even a shirt you stumbled across on the side of the road...rock it! it's ALL GOOD and it's ALL WELCOME in wardrobe_remix!

elegant musings: 04.22.09 {tuesday's outfit}

verhext: 4_23

Julie Mack: I tried to do handstands for you.

Laura Reilly: IMG_4907

lecondevetement: IMG_6115

persephassa: dailywear


thanks to everyone who's been posting about wardrobe_remix or featuring fashions and folks from the group in their own blogs or websites. thanks for getting the word out. i am glad that wardrobe_remix inspires you! remember to give credit to the people in the aforementioned photos (if you use them in your blog posts, etc.) and to wardrobe_remix itself. it's good internet/blogging karma! (plus it actually goes with flickr's terms of service and a little thing called copyright!)


remember: you can click on the photo of any of these terrific wardrobe_remix(ers) to learn more about their photo or outfit, explore their flickr photostream, and beyond. all of the photos are owned by the awesome people who are depicted in them, of course!

join us over at wardrobe_remix and show off your awesome EVERYDAY trendbusting and trend-SETTING personal style!

spread the word!

and see you there!

wardrobe_remix & flickr

thanks to google blog search, i found out via an article on the dartmouth.com (by author erin jaeger) that flickr co-founder, stewart butterfield, gave quite a bit of lip service to wardrobe_remix in a recent talk he gave about about the aforementioned photo-sharing site:

"The site also allows users to join online communities of people with similar interests, Butterfield said. Some of Flickr’s more popular groups include “wardrobe_remix,” a group comprised mostly of “women in their twenties,” he said, who post photos of outfits and discuss where they purchased each item of clothing, and “Pisa Pushers,” a page on which users post pictures of tourists posing as if they were holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

“People can find a community for more or less anything they are interested in,” he said. “There are 70,000 photos from almost 13,000 people in ‘wardrobe_remix’ alone."

wardrobe_remix is so huge that even the founder of flickr has noticed, and mentions it in talks. pretty flabbergasting influence for a little group on flickr i started nearly four (!!!) years ago! i am still so humbled by it's exponential growth, spread, influence, and popularity. and i am delighted by the numbers of the folks (over 13,000 members!) who have joined and i am especially proud with creativity and niceness of those who participate by throwing their photos (70,000+!!) into the pool. wow!

thanks, everyone, for making it what it is today! *bows to you*