as of this afternoon, i'm a (san francisco) california resident, after a nearly six hour flight.
i'm not sure what to make of this yet. will report back later concerning this matter.
i already miss nyc and lots of people there (and shoot, everywhere else i've moved from, while i am at it).
had a big crying jag saturday evening about leaving NYC, as it started to rain, after drinking more than my fair share of belgian and german beers (with my love pete and friends nicole and aaron) and i also did some drunk bicycling around manhattan in high heeled boots. that was rather dangerous (i know) but fun.
(photo by nicole fineman...don't hate me for stealing it, nicole!)
on to matters of street fashion:
my good friend nicole (the photographer of the photo above and friend mentioned above), looking sassy, just outside of my favorite belgian beer bar ("vol de nuit") in the west village, NYC. love how she paired the black and metallic gold paint-splattered-look jacket with the white tee with metallic gold cats. totally fresh and cute.
if ye are of nappy, natural hair or admire such hair, check out her afro fabulous community, nappy co!:
and...another quick and dirty street shot:
interesting deconstructed texture and rainbow of colors on this gal's skirt. quickly snapped in union square.
i'm not at all over the moon about the rest of the outfit...not sure i would wear that long of a skirt myself, or pair it with those particular pieces, but that's what personal style is about..."right" or "wrong"
anyway, love the texture and mixture of colors, and would love to maybe fool around with that and incorporate into some of my own designs in a more controlled, modern manner, in perhaps tighter color schemes or in certain areas (within a yoke, a pocket, and the like) or on a skirt or dress in a completely different shape. that sort of thing.
Tucci Blume interrassisch GeschlechtLesben NackedGranny fucking Fettteen Russisch Minderjährigepic Mädchen Bilder nackt Minderjährigepissing Frauen BehaarteMädchen tity Ebony BigAmateur-Swap-Fraufuckers Dildolaktierenden Brüste die Männer, saugen