on the question of risk-taking and dressing your age

risk-taking...in the fashion or style sense, i mean.
should it be commended or ridiculed? is it good, is it bad?
some find it hard take risks, right? and that's perfectly okay.
other people take risks, try new things that fall outside of their personal comfort zone. some go quite far out.
and at times, they slip-up somehow. maybe it's not quite successful, maybe it's just not right altogether.
but i think, "you know, at least they tried!"
it makes me think of the quote, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." if you try something, if you take a risk, if you put forth a new idea, you're bound to have detractors, people who disagree with you, think you're wrong...this being a diverse world with different folks with different ways of seeing the world (see last post, heh!)...and well, that's just fine!
but honestly, personally, i'd rather take risks and look like a fool to some, than to have never tried at all.
i'd rather please myself than please others, when it's boiled down to the essence of the matter.
i'll stand the stares, the laughs. i've had plenty to this point and it's okay. i'm a survivor! :P
as some might say, it's "just clothes"...right?
so, as a rule, should we cow to others opinions? should we stop taking risks, expressing new ideas (in fashion, or hell, anything else) if others don't agree?
i have to come down on the side of "no" there...
but pray-tell, what do YOU think? fashion-philosophically?


so yeah, i have a penchant for dressing girlish, tossing colors or perhaps outfits together with what some might deem as abandon or childlike manner. it's fun...but others seem to see it as perhaps being more than a little immature (though i can assure you, it's rather calculated).
so i've been thinking...
-what is age-appropriate clothing?
-when is someone officially an "adult"?
-after what age should one dress like "an adult"?
-what does an "adult" dress like? what does an "adult" act like in regards to style? are there "rules" that people should abide by once they pass a certain age mark?
-does adult equal conservative, clean, restrained?
what say ye, my pretty peanut gallery? :)


[thanks to commenter ann, for giving me delicious food for thought this morning!]