name: Beth Jones
flickr handle: TheVintageSocietyGirl
age: 26
location: Orange County, CA
other important basic details about yourself that you'd like to
reveal: Married to the best man ever!
what do you do for a living? or, if you are a student, what are you
Well, I am in the process of opening a vintage clothing store. At the current time I have a 9 to 5 to pay the bills and save money for the store. All of my focus, time and energy is being put into the store right now. We will be opening April 2008!
what are your passions/obsessions?
Creative inspired fashion. Not the typical, take it off the mannequin and wear it fashion, but one that takes a process of hunting for the unique and wearing it with flare!
My store is a definite obsession right now. I lay in bed at night, my mind racing with ideas and goals for the store. I want my store to be an experience that girls can’t get enough of and continue to return week after week.
I have so many aspirations for the store. Eventually I would like to be doing personal and professional styling. Working with individuals to develop their own unique “style statement” and working with photographers on fashion shoots.
what inspires you?
I’d say the two biggest inspirations for me would be people and places. I am absolutely inspired by people around me. That is why I love what Tricia developed with wardrobe_remix! We are all part of this big melting pot and everyone’s ideas are so unusual. I love seeing how individuals wear things so differently. One item can be worn in so many ways and I love to see how creative minds work.
I love traveling and have been blessed to have many opportunities to see the county we live in and the world outside of it. Seeing cities around the world, the art, architecture and cultures all inspire me to new levels of my own sense of style.
how do you define "style"?
For me style can mean so many things. In terms of clothes, I wouldn’t say it is limited to a certain look or even something that you always call beautiful. I would say style is something that catches your eye. A woman or man walks in a room and they attract your attention. You may not even be able to describe it but you can’t take your eyes off of them.
how would you describe your personal style?
I would say I am “vintage glamour”. I don’t know if it is having blond hair and the Marilyn Monroe body type but I just love that glamorous look. I find that I don’t usually layer my outfits with many features; I usually like to find one eye-catching piece and then simply build around that.
how does your background (personal history, passions, culture,
nationality, etc.) come through in the clothes you like and wear, if
at all?
Well, I come from the South (South Carolina to be exact), and now live in California. Both have had huge influences on me and my style. I think I developed a love for the old historic places in the South which brought out an appreciation of the distinctive and gave me an eye for beauty. But it has been the freedom of expression in California that has allowed me to really dive into my love of clothes and the eccentricity of fashion.
choose one item in your closet that you feel completely expresses
your personal style and/or aesthetic. describe it. what is it and
why is it "you"?
I just wore this dress and I feel that it embodies the “vintage glam girl” that I am. It is a beautiful cream 70’s disco dress that it body forming and very Marilyn Monroe. I felt like a women who could take on anything in that dress. I love to wear dresses and this one is probably one of my all time favorites. I definitely can’t wear it all the time, but if anything is vintage glamour this dress is it!
do you collect anything? if so, what?
I have gotten really in to finding great old hats: cocktail hats, turbans, floppy grandma hats. They are always a fun addition to any outfit.
what are some of your favorite places to shop when you want to add
to your wardrobe? online? locally? anywhere in the world? why are
these places favorites of yours?
Favorite places to shop – SAVERS thrift store would have to be my all time favorite thrift hunting ground. They always have great finds you just have to keep an hour or more open to find the good stuff.
Estate and Garage Sales are another favorite – those are just trial and error on finding hidden treasures.
Chain Stores- Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Crossroads Trading Co., and H&M
Flea Markets – Melrose Trading Post in Hollywood, CA.
does your location (where you live) affect your style? if so, in
what ways? describe what your city is like in regard to fashion.
California has definitely influenced my style. The freedom here to wear anything has greatly affected me. There is a casual factor that most people lean towards here maybe because of the beach and surf scene, but I to lean more towards the dramatic and dressed up look.
California also has so many different vibes – Hollywood, beach cities like Laguna and Ventura, the desert, and snow covered mountains. Each one with its own style and each one inspires me.
what do you think is next in terms of fashion? perhaps something
that is currently flying under the radar, but could be really cool an
popular later, or perhaps something amazing you'd like to see more
of that needs to come back or be the new thing?
Bow ties! Last year a read an article about a designer that is doing a whole line of bow ties and ties for women that were girly and so much fun. I think that would be a great item to really resurrect.
you are super creative with your clothes! share a creative tip or
idea about a way people can remix/style their clothing in a fun or
innovative way.
Use wardrobe_remix to your advantage. Really observe your style as you document it and figure out what really looks good on you and what you love the most.
Don’t be afraid to step outside of what “celebrity fashion” dictates. Figure out who you are and be your own style icon!
Creative Tip – A unique accessory can make an outfit interesting. A head wrap, hat, necklace, shoes, etc can make something basic really POP!
style icons: do you have any?
#1 STYLE ICON OF ALL TIME FOR ME!: Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City.
Others: Chloe Sevigny, Ashley Olsen, Jenny Lewis, Carmen Hawk
how did you come across wardrobe_remix? why do you post there? What do you like about it? has anything positive come about for you as a result of posting to the community?
I think I found out about wardrobe_remix on some fashion blog, and I am not sure which one. I love posting here mainly because of the influence it has on me. I know it is weird, but I have developed my style 10x more by seeing myself and seeing others style. I have learned what looks good on me and have also learned to not just follow certain trends because they are in...but really what works for me and on me.
Many positive things have come from being part of this community: An article in NEET Magazine, the development of my blog (, a lot of exposure for me store, some styling opportunities, etc. It has been amazing. Thanks Tricia!
other favorite wardrobe_remix(ers)? who, and why?
lebonbonmulticolore, liebemarlene , bitsandbobbins and boboniaa are probably my favorites. They each are very individual and bring different things to the table.
lebonbonmulticolore – I love her combination of clothing. She is great with layering pieces!
liebemarlene – always has great vintage finds
bitsandbobbins – the amazing creator of wardrobe_remix and is a color genius! [ed: thanks! heh.]
boboniaa – has such a casual cool sense of style that looks effortless.
thanks beth!
if you have any intelligent questions you'd like to hear wardrobe_remix(ers) expound upon or wardrobe_remix(ers) who you'd like to see revealed, feel free to send those suggestions my way! thanks!