the story of stuff

do you know the story of the stuff you use? the story behind all those covetable electronics, clothes and other *things* you consume? do you know the real cost of it all? just because something is cheap doesn't mean someone, or many someone's aren't paying for it in some way along the line. do we really need to consume as much as we do? who benefits from all this consumption? do we? is there a better way?
the story of stuff by annie leonard takes a closer look "at the underside of our production and consumption patterns... [and] exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world."
being that it's the end of the year, and new fashion leaves are supposed to be turning over, i've been hearing a lot of declarations in magazines and elsewhere about what's "out" and "over" and what should be trashed in lieu of the "new and improved", the "latest and the greatest".
BUT. what if i like that old stuff? what if it's still useful? should it be trashed because it's not the latest trend? should it be trashed in lieu of consuming more, just because someone declares it's passe?
this fashion-related clip from the story of stuff (the whole of which i highly recommend watching) suggests that new trends are marketed to make consumers feel bad about the trends that came before, by calling said trends obsolete, and thus prompting consumers to consume more, lest they be chastised and considered out-of-date.

it's called "perceived obsolescence"...and it's absolutely intentional and it's aim is to make MONEY for manufacturers. it's all marketing.


what's in for the coming year?
-wearing whatever the hell you feel like in 2008...and beyond. -eschewing "trends". -thinking before you consume, and sometimes, choosing not to consume at all.