(not so) random links

-morgan of panda head is now a fellow blogger of mine over at the threadbanger.com blog, and in a recent post over there, she asks: are you up to the challenge of making do with only DIY clothes for the duration of one year? i gotta say, in theory, the idea of such is absolutely amazing. could you do it? comment here, or better yet, over there! -speaking of street fashion and blogs (nice segueway, huh?!) my sweet friend and fellow blogger mai featured me once again on her SF street fashion blog, fashion.ist. we made a plan to run into eachother at the alameda antiques and collectibles fair, and she snapped my photo whilst there. thanks again, mai!

-conflicting reports at the intersection of luxurious and green/sustainable: the international herald tribune reports that an ethical trend is making waves in the luxury market. conversely, according to the guardian, many luxury firms have shoddy green records and persist with environmentally damaging, wasteful business practices. the message? green marketing may be trendy, but the message rings hollow unless without honest ethics and proactive actions to back up the claims...and smart customers know the difference.

-apparently, there may be a difference between the cheap cashmere sweater, and the uber expensive one, much to the chagrin of fast-fashion fans, says the wall street journal. namely, quality of materials and the quality of life of those who fabricate said sweaters. but to justify paying nearly $800 more for the latter? not sure about that, which begs the question: what level of pricing is fair? is it subjective, or absolute?

-and on the subject of art in san francisco: kate bingaman-burt is showing off her obsessive consumption work/project at an art opening at the SF rare device this friday, december 7th, from 6-10pm. barring anything major, i'm there, people!

favorites and stuff...



where the hell did november go? oh yeah...vacation, thanksgiving, working like a dog! i cannot believe christmas/the holidays are right around the corner!


it was a very sad week for us, as our oldest cat, meatloaf, passed away. we had her for 10 years, longer than we've been married, even. she was really ill for about a month now, and she had to be put to sleep. i was sadder than sad about it all. our very sweet co-workers bought us a huge white orchid as a gift of condolence for her loss and had it delivered yesterday; it was very, very touching and unexpected. it's amazing how a pet can affect our lives, and how much you can miss them when they are gone. RIP, meatloaf. we love you. we will miss you always.


itty bitty kitty committee is my new favorite animal related blog, next to cute overload and i can has cheezburger. that name is PERFECT, on so many levels.


looking forward to going to the alameda antiques fair this coming weekend. i'm yearning to get some cool lounge chairs for our apartment. cross your fingers that we find something cool! if you see me there, say hi!

(not so) random links

-an undeniably cool fashion-related blog i stumbled on whilst doing some research on green transportation methods at work: copenhagen cycle chic - bike advocacy in high heels from the world's cycling capital. we can learn from them, in a myriad of ways. makes me think of wardrobe_remix member hen power's flickr community, velocouture. be stylish and sustainable at the same time ---> ride your bike. -vasiliisa of the suburban queen is truly, truly one of my absolute favorite fashion bloggers. i've fawned over her here before, and for very good reason: she's forever pushing boundaries in her fashion writing, asking pointed questions about the subject, and as a result, she's challenging our stereotypical beliefs and conventions regarding fashion, style, and beauty. she makes people think...and thinking is the most stylish thing one can do. in a recent missal, she asks: where are the images of the REALLY real people, the "overweight people...[or] people with (visible) disabilities or deformities[?]"...these people are rather underrepresented or not represented what-so-ever in fashion or on street fashion sites these days. and why?? beauty and style are not just exclusive to the tall + skinny + young + able-bodied.