threadbanger + compai

in the interest of spreading the DIY fashion love, i pass along this:

this past week, threadbanger's rob & corrine talked to compai, a brooklyn-based design crew that makes awesome recycled clothing. they are the force behind the DIY books 99 Ways to Cut, Sew & Deck Out Your Denim, 99 Ways to Cut, Sew, Trim, and Tie Your T-Shirt into Something Special, and the up-coming tome, 99 Ways to Cut, Sew, Tie & Rock Your Scarf. in the video, the compai ladies work their magic on a sweatshirt, making it way more stylin' and girlie. tres, tres cute. do check it out!

(not so) random links

-those sky high stilletos don't do a body good. which is why i keep mine under 2.5" and wider as a general rule. what about you? self-professed champion of the uber high-heels? flats fan? (from sociological images) -this is apparently old news, but dolce & gabbana ripped off marimekko. bad form from a company who likely bitches, groans, and goes after counterfeiters unrelentingly themselves. absolutely disgusting move on the part of d&g, and a major disservice to a wonderful finnish company with an illustrious design history spanning a good half of the 20th century. i hope marimekko is looking into serving d&g their ass for lunch over this. counterfeit chic, did you hear about this? (from the glam guide)

-love this essay by paul graham on stuff. how our stuff owns us, how we really don't *need* it, how much of it has little value, regardless of what marketers will have us believe. here's a quote pertinent to the usual subject at hand around these parts, fashion:

A friend of mine cured herself of a clothes buying habit by asking herself before she bought anything "Am I going to wear this all the time?" If she couldn't convince herself that something she was thinking of buying would become one of those few things she wore all the time, she wouldn't buy it. I think that would work for any kind of purchase. Before you buy anything, ask yourself: will this be something I use constantly? Or is it just something nice? Or worse still, a mere bargain?

-via humane recipe, via consumerist: macy's doesn't care if you want to save the planet, forces you to take a plastic bag. nice (completely asinine) move, macy's. people shouldn't be penalized or treated badly because they don't want to take the damn plastic bag. the receipt IS enough, macy's. and if it isn't, you've got bigger fish to fry, and a lot to answer to. like, the earth?

(not so) random links

-i'm a knitter. i believe that knitting is a practical, expressive art/craft (really, the same thing). knitting can really make a statement, and knitters are often a wonderfully loud, uproarious, opinionated, sometimes subversive and political bunch. so i of course find this video of a talk on the history of guerilla knitting by rose white particularly interesting. the talk was given at the 24th chaos communication congress in berlin, and some big names in knitting past and present were called out: elizabeth zimmerman, barbara walker, artist dave cole (of giant fiberglass teddy bear and oversized american flag on giant needles at massMOCA fame), and of course, more. (via we make money not art and boing boing) -even the affluent are feeling the pinch with the weakening u.s. economy, and are buying less, if the precipitously dropping sales of luxury items in recent days are any indication (via the chicago tribune). proof positive that the whole "luxury market" was overinflated, temporary, subject to whims, and out of whack to begin with. the decade ahead will be an interesting one: will people ever eschew luxury stuff, and instead embrace thrift?

-sustainable style in the states?: in the interest of slowing global warming, some forward-thinking u.s. clothing manufacturers, like (controversy-courting) american apparel, prAna, and william good (whom i have mentioned here before) are looking to source some of their source materials within their home state or in the nation, according to the international herald tribune. these efforts allegedly help build up a burgeoning organic cotton industry here in the u.s. and make re-use of gently used materials.

-being that i grew up in the thick of the central florida suburbs, i have more than my fair share of mall memories (mostly good, if i am going to be honest). but after seeing the organic nature of most shopping districts in big cities around the world and in the towns i've lived in the better part of the past decade (new york city, and now, san francisco), i've fostered a growing distaste for the aforementioned constructions, feeling them to be contrived and filled with more than a little conformity. seems my sentiment is shared by many, as the quintessential stereotypical shopping mall seems to be on the decline in these early years of the 21st century. what's next for shoppers? some developers think they have the answer and the alternative, but i'm not so sure. (via the economist)

-a cabal of color scheme creating, color picking and coordinating tools co-exist: what's its color?, colorschemer, colr, and kuler. ideally aimed at those in design and art, i also see them as low-investment tools for tentative fashionistas, who could perhaps use one or more of these to play with color combinations and schemes in order to overcome their color fears (more than a few who comment here on bits and bobbins, if the contents of some of your comments are any indication!)

-i love rule number 10 on this kick-ass, inspirational art department list of rules/manifesto from immaculate heart college, as found on hi + low, which is a quote from the groundbreaking composer, john cage: "we're breaking all the rules. even our own rules. and how to do we do that? by leaving room for x quantities." i take "x quantities" to mean "the unknown". and going back to my new years manifesto to take fashion and life as it comes, instead of trying to map it all out ahead of time, as others are wont to do as they lean on the backs of trend forecasts for the coming year. no need to ensure i get the contrived combination of requisite shapes and colors. i'll follow my whim depending on the day. seems right, seems organic, seems real. i delight in, and court the unknown. what "rule" in the above link speaks to you?

-while i think most of this how to get dressed list for 2008 (from the times online) is "utter twaddle", i like the last one, number 10 for it's utter truth:

10. Don’t wear the same trend twice. Utter twaddle. Trends come round so fast now that would preclude almost everything we have come to recognise as clothing.

this is why i have chosen to step off the trend-mill. the whole damn trend thing is cyclical. wear whatever the hell you want even or especially if it's "out", because the whole trend-cycling affair moves so fast it will probably be "in" again by the end of the year. start your own "trend".