happy (belated) 3rd birthday, wardrobe_remix!!

blue and orange (aka, day one)

happy (belated!) 3rd birthday, wardrobe_remix!
what you see above was the first wardrobe_remix photo, ever. and it's of yours truly, natch!
the photo above was taken on september 13, 2005. it's the day wardrobe_remix was, for all intents and purposes, born.
i wanted to document what i was wearing on a given day, to show the world (well, just my online pals at the time!) how i deigned to put myself together stylistically.
where did the idea come from? well, i was inspired by street fashion photos, like the ones in the japanese fashion mags i hoarded, and websites like hel-looks (which was one of the only street fashion websites that existed at the time...now there are zillions, one for every small and large city and town across the nation and the world!).
i started out by just posting photos like the one above in my blog, but an online friend suggested starting a group on flickr so others could participate. other people started taking photos of themselves, posting those photos in their blogs, and adding them to the group pool...
word spread like wildfire, and now...wardrobe_remix, as a community on flickr.com, boasts over 10,824 members.
no one is more surprised or delighted that me at the popularity and success of wardrobe_remix, as well as the popularity and success of the members of the group. congrats to all of you! you deserve the attention and the accolades! you look amazing! you are amazing people!
i am still humbled when people talk about wardrobe_remix.
i giggle when it finds attention here and there (online, on television and in print).
my heart is warmed by to see that people are still joining the group, tons of them every single day, to this day.
i love that people find inspiration and friendship via the group.
it honestly makes me feel good inside to know i created something that matters to folks in some way, shape or form.
while wardrobe_remix started with just me, all of you make wardrobe_remix what it is today...a community.
so, mucho thanks everyone, for keeping it going, for contributing your photos to wardrobe_remix, for making it what it is...an ever-growing cabal of extremely stylish, devastatingly smart, and extremely creative, NICE folks.
*bows to you*
viva wardrobe_remix!


(if you're so inclined, you can peruse the remainder of my wardrobe_remix contributions are here)

wardrobe_remix in JPG magazine

from the "better late than never" bits and bobbins/wardrobe_remix/tricia royal news department:

way back in may and june i mentioned that i was a guest judge for one of JPG magazine's photo challenges, the one that featured wardrobe_remix as it's theme. perhaps some of you remember...?
the issue featuring my selections hit the magazine stands back in july. the article was in their superb street fashion issue (#17)!

jpg street fashion issue.png

(btw, if you click on the link above, you can peruse/preview all of the aforementioned issue. nice!)


here's a quick snap of the article itself:

wardrobe_remix in jpg magazine

thanks to all the fine folks whose photos i selected, who made it into the final cut of the magazine! several of those featured in the article are wardrobe_remix contributors, and others are just cool people who clearly know how to wield a camera well (and have cool personal style!). special thanks to those who in turn called out wardrobe_remix in their accompanying interviews. thanks, guys!
and of course, thanks again, JPG magazine!

wardrobe_remix(ers) o' the week

can you believe it, wardrobe_remix now has over 10,000 members!!! that's just insane, people!
i know, long time no show-off the latest and greatest from w_r!
(you know my excuse for being gone so long, though...she's awfully cute.) :)

anyhoo, here you go! i included lots of menfolk this time around...they are showing up in greater numbers to the community in recent weeks! as such, they should be celebrated, methinks!


this here is the ORIGINAL and OFFICIAL weekly wardrobe_remix recap of the latest and the greatest from the wardrobe_remix community, from yours truly, the creator of wardrobe_remix!
any wardrobe_remix photos that find themselves here showcase great style + great photography = the two meet and merrily marry to make a perfect expression of YOU and your singular personal style! and i've said it a million times before, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it...the ticket is the confidence and sureness you exude when you express yourself the way that makes YOU feel most comfortable. that confidence shines through and is captured on film. so whether you're wearing couture clothes from the finest designers, mass market threads, stuff you made yourself, thrifted finds, or even a shirt you stumbled across on the side of the road...rock it! it's ALL GOOD and it's ALL WELCOME in wardrobe_remix!


Frazer Nash: Dinosaur Sr 2
stars and broken hearts: 8-25-08
fabgelous: August 20, 2008: Holga-riffic!
whiteapple: colour theory
-h of candid c: 8.27f2
.YOKOO: perfect weather..  perfect day . . .
RelaX BoY: What I wear on  7/19/2008


thanks to everyone who's been posting about wardrobe_remix or featuring fashions and folks from the group in their own blogs or websites. thanks for getting the word out. i am glad that wardrobe_remix inspires you! remember to give credit to the people in the aforementioned photos (if you use them in your blog posts, etc.) and to wardrobe_remix itself. it's good internet/blogging karma! (plus it actually goes with flickr's terms of service and a little thing called copyright!)


remember: you can click on the photo of any of these terrific wardrobe_remix(ers) to learn more about their photo or outfit, explore their flickr photostream, and beyond. all of the photos are owned by the awesome people who are depicted in them, of course!
join us over at wardrobe_remix and show off your awesome EVERYDAY trendbusting and trend-SETTING personal style!
spread the word!
and see you there!