it's that time of the week again, where i show off some of the stars of wardrobe_remix. if you haven't joined us already, what's the hold up? be crazy, take risk, experiment, be different! show us how awesome you are!
lake monsters real:
as always, click on any of the above photos to find out more about each of the wardrobe_remix(ers) and their inspiring outfits and photostreams!
later today i plan to go by one of my new favorite yarn shops downtown (artfibers), stop by H&M to see about finding some patterned leggings, and do a little thrifting in the mission. i don't usually go out with any strict idea of what i'd like to find when thrifting (as not to be disappointed if i don't find it), but if the thrift gods and goddesses are listening, i'd really like:
-a small, cropped grey/black acid wash denim jacket similar to the tiny acid wash levi's jacket i already have and love to pieces -interesting, quirky gold necklaces -a fitted 80s jumpsuit in a bright color -a white a-line dress (like the one in my last post, though if i don't find one, i plan to make one once my sewing machines have arrived here in california and i have my little sewing studio set up again...i'm itching to find a place to live and get my little nest feathered, as it were). -some neat black designer flats (i've been having a lot of luck finding good quality italian made shoes when thrifting of late, let's hope this trend continues) i don't have to put out cash for brand new ones. :D
and some random yarn lust:
this amazing 100% linen yarn by euroflax (by louet sales), sold by purl soho, a completely amazing, lustworthy manhattan yarn shop that any knitter or crocheter worth her needles or hooks should visit if she knows what's good for her (and bad for her credit card!). euroflax comes in a bunch of amazing bright *and* more subtile colors, and i'm itching to use it to make everything: dresses, stoles, scarves, loose tops, skirts. yes, a tiny gauge is probably required, but hello! totally gorge linen yarn! *drool* apparently it starts out stiff, but can be laundered and it then magically turns into slinky natural fiber goodness!